Springtime Fun with Ms. Melanie
"Students hopped to it and created Easter Bunny collages in April" They picked their color grass and enjoyed choosing blue or green eyes for their bunny. Their favorite part they said were the big tall ears!
Students also created 3-D Bumblebee sculptures and 2 -D Bumblebees to usher in springtime !
The bumblebee sculptures were a hit with the kids as they created black and yellow patterns/ stripes on the body, attached the wings, chose their antennas and created a little story/ words to ‘hide’ inside the cylinder/ bumble bee body.
To piggy back on this project, they then created 2-D bumblebees and differentiated between flat and not flat( shapes vs. forms) .
We explored art further with our springtime creatures...Lovely Ladybugs!
We learned that insects have 2 antennae and 6 legs and that ladybugs appear in all sorts of colors not just red.
We also used all our shapes to assemble our lovely ladybugs including half circles, ovals, rectangles, and circles!